Spiritual Theology - Dr. John Coe
Musings on the Dark Night of the Soul - Dr. John Coe
Hidden Heart: Why We Sin When We Know So Much - Dr. John Coe
Sanctification in a New Key: Relieving Evangelical Anxieties over Spiritual Formation - Dr. Steve L. Porter
The Seven Deadly Disconnects of Seminary Training: Theological and Spiritual Formation Reflections on a Transformation
Model - Dr. John Coe
Resisting the Temptation of Moral Formation: Opening to Spiritual Formation in the Cross and the Spirit - Dr. John Coe
Evangelical Boundaries in Spiritual Formation: A Christian Understanding of the Dark Night of the Soul - Dr. John Coe
Surrender to Love - David Benner
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality - Peter Scazzero
Wounded Healer - Henri Nouwen
Letters to Malcolm - C.S. Lewis
Sabbath - Wayne Muller
Spiritual Disciplines Handbook - Adele Calhoun
Celebrate Discipline - Richard Foster
Renovation of the Heart - Dallas Willard
Blue Like Jazz - Donald Miller
The Road Back to You - Stabile & Cron
Life of the Beloved - Henri Nouwen
God in my Everything - Ken Shigematsu