- 1 hour sessions
- weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, as needed
- Skype or Facetime
- $50/session
- sliding scale available
- "walk and talk" sessions at local parks, lakes, nature walks, neighborhoods, etc.
- men and women ages 18+
My Passion
God said that humanity was, and is, the pinnacle of creation - the only part of creation particularly made in His image. So, my passion is to be and become fully human, and to help others along the journey as well - not into what we believe we are 'supposed to be', but rather into the people God created us to be by His design. Often, this is a challenging endeavor because it requires we let go of those things about us that we deem 'necessary' but God sees as tertiary & temporal - and a distraction away from our truest, most freed, selves.
Jesus said, "The truth will set you free." Are you living in the truth of who you are & who He is, or are you building a structure around you and your heart, keeping God, others, and yourself away from your deepest longings and desires? These desires were placed within you from God Himself, and are meant to be satisfied by Him alone. But, if we do not bring our fullest, most vulnerable selves to God, our relationship with Him soon becomes shallow and unnecessary, an add-on to our days. But what if our days became an add-on to our central communion with God?
My Specializations
- overcoming trauma
- attachment wounds
- grief
- ministry burn-out/compassion fatigue
- boundaries
- dating and marriage
- singleness
- depression
- intimacy and vulnerability
- work/rest/play balance
- Certified: Gottman I
- Certified: Prepare & Enrich
My Theology of Change
Scripture shows us that being human is complex - it cannot be reduced down to just a couple sentences. There is a bit of mystery as to the way the Holy Spirit works within us, changing us (usually painfully) into Christ-ians (literally: "mini-Christs"), but Scripture also gives us clues to this process that we can trust. Romans 12:1-2 shows us that transformation incorporates our mind, body, and spirit. John 16:13 says that the Holy Spirit guides us into all truth. Jesus Himself is fully God and fully man (Phil. 2:6-7), so He shows us an ideal to aim for in our transformation into His image. First looking in Scripture, and then utilizing helpful tools from spiritual formation, attachment theory, cognitive-behavioral therapy, trauma-informed care, the enneagram, and holistic healing, my hope is to guide you to a more in-depth relationship between your truest self and our loving God.